At Danone Nutricia, we have been studying the composition of human milk for over four decade and have made many revolutionary discoveries during that time.
We have published over 150 papers within this field, ranging from complex analyses to studies of its beneficial ingredients. We continue to conduct pioneering research into the composition and benefits of human milk using state-of-the-art analytical equipment and know-how. We are only just beginning to unravel the mysteries of human milk, for example how it responds to both internal and external stimuli such as the environment, maternal diet and lifestyle, and even the gender and health status of the infant.
For the past 40 years, we have built extensive scientific expertise that has led to pioneering innovation and development. Our track record includes major insights from 1977 until today.
In 1977, we were the first to implement scientific knowledge to improve the casein-whey ratio in our products according to the findings of human milk composition.
In 1983, we found that long-chain-poly-unsaturated-fatty-acids (LCPUFAs) in Human Milk are specifically distributed in form of polar and non-polar lipids. We could prove that the lipid architecture is important for the functional benefits of LCPUFAs.
In 1994, using high end analytical tools, we were the first to describe the complex spectrum of Human Milk Oligoaccharides (HMOs).
In 1998, inspired by the beneficial effects of HMOs (Human Milk Oligosaccharides) on the gut and immunity, we patented a unique mixture of prebiotic oligosaccharides, short-chain Galacto-oligosaccharides/ long-chain Fructo-oligosaccharides (scGOS/lcFOS).
In 2003 we discovered beneficial bacteria such as lactobacilli and bifidobacteria in Human Milk which complement the specific prebiotics of Human Milk.
In 2016, we discovered around 600 new proteins, making it up to more than 3500 proteins in Human Milk.
And from 2017 until today, we provide via healthcare professional, knowhow on the composition of Human Milk and related benefits of breastfeeding. We are convinced that this expertise can be helpful to educate mothers on the complexity of human milk and support their breastfeeding behaviour and understanding of feeding cues.
At Danone Nutricia, we will continue to share this knowledge and expertise with the scientific community, healthcare professionals and parents alike in order to better support and empower them to optimise their breastfeeding journey.
Human milk research Expertise video

Publication: Nutricia, pioneers in human milk research