Giving preterm infants the best chance to thrive into the childhood years and beyond

Around 12% of babies in Africa are born prematurely1. Premature babies have very different nutritional needs to full-term infants as they need to attain the growth that would have occurred in utero, as well as achieve functional development2. Inspired by breast milk, we are committed to delivering products to help preterm infants thrive.

Preterm infants face a multitude of challenges, including respiratory complications, poor thermoregulation, problems with the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, low body stores of many nutrients and other medical complications3.

The final trimester of pregnancy is particularly important for fetal development4,5. This is a time of extensive development of organs and the immune system and the establishment of nutrient stores 4-6. Preterm infants must complete much of this development ex utero7.

Advantages of breast milk

Breast milk is the best source of nutrition for preterm infants and offers many significant benefits to both infant and mother. It provides8:

  • Protection from infections
  • An improved feeding tolerance
  • Reduced risk of necrotising enterocolitis (NEC)
  • Digestive enzymes
  • Benefits for baby’s gastrointestinal (GI) tract
  • Psychological benefits for mother

However, many preterm infants may have higher nutritional requirements than breast milk alone can provide2,8. Also, the daily intake volume that a preterm infant can tolerate is often not enough to cover its increased nutritional needs9-11. The differences between the nutritional requirements of a preterm infant and the nutrition provided in breast milk highlight the need for additional supplementation in the form of either a human milk fortifier and/or a protein supplement.

The role of prebiotic oligosaccharides

Prebiotic OS (oligosaccharides) are non-digestible oligosaccharides that occur naturally in breast milk12. Upon ingestion, they serve a number of functions13-17:

First, they pass through the stomach and small intestine. The prebiotic oligosaccharides mixture is then metabolised to produce short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) in the large intestine. SCFA promote a thicker mucous layer lining in the intestine and also lower pH levels in the intestine.

The presence of prebiotic oligosaccharides prevents harmful bacteria from attaching to the intestinal lining and entering the bloodstream. They also encourage the growth of friendly bacteria and feed the beneficial bifidobacteria in the gut.

The role of beta-palmitate

Dietary lipids, or fats, provide preterm infants with a large proportion of energy, with essential fatty acids and lipid soluble vitamins8.

The structure of fats in breast milk consists of a glycerol group with three fatty acids attached, called a triglyceride. When palmitic acid is in the beta (β) position, lipids are metabolized more efficiently by infants18. This provides several beneficial effects, including better fat absorption, improved calcium absorption, easier digestion and softer stools18-22.

The role of Long-Chain PolyunSaturated Fatty Acids (LCPUFAs)

LCPs are important for the healthy development of an infant’s brain, eyes and nervous system23-26. For preterm infants, LCPs, such as docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and arachidonic acid (AA), are conditionally essential as the third trimester is a critical period for brain growth27-31.

The ability to make DHA and AA in the body is very limited in the first few months of life27-29. Preterm infants that are fed formulas without LCPs develop poor DHA & AA status32-36. Nutrient-enriched formula with LCPs, DHA & AA is recommended for preterm and post-discharge feeding2,8-10,37,38.

It is recognised that preterm infants are particularly vulnerable and have different nutritional needs to full-term infants. Breast milk is the best source of nutrition as it provides significant advantages, including key ingredients, such as prebiotics, milk fats and LCPs. However, in instances where breast milk is not available or the production of breast milk is not sufficient to meet the preterm infant’s specific requirements, supplementation is recommended.


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