Danone Nutricia Early Life Nutrition is organizing the 12th edition of the African Meeting of Infant Nutrition (RANI) on November 11, 2021. More than 300 participants will be connected all-over 18 different African countries for the first time in hybrid format: with online plenary sessions and workshops on-site.
The theme of this special edition co-sponsored by both French and English-speaking scientific committees is at the heart of African paediatricians’ interest and concerns: “The First 1000 Days“.
Together, from recommendations to action.
- Click here to watch the conference « Before conception and pregnancy: what are the challenges of maternal nutrition? »
- Click here to watch the conference « New findings on the benefits of breastfeeding & the possible associated difficulties »
- Click here to watch the conference « Specific nutritional needs, their short- & long-term impact »
- Click here to watch the conference «Complementary feeding: recommendations and challenges »

Find the scientific program for RANI 2021.