Do parents ask you questions about their child’s diet? A balanced diet is a key element in preventing iron deficiency. Find below several practical tools to make parents aware of good nutritional practices.
Iron deficiency affects nearly one in three children in Africa1,2. This can have serious consequences for the health of the child, such as the weakening of the immune system3. Its appearance is often linked to unsuitable food habits (premature stop of breastfeeding, too early transition to regular milk, inadequate weaning …)4-6. A balanced infant diet is an effective way to prevent iron deficiency. But parents need support to know which foods are best for their child and to fight the many misconceptions that exist around foods rich in iron, such as spinach and leaves7.
To help you discuss this subject with them, we offer a sheet to give to parents that details all the adapted foods to cover the specific nutritional needs of their child and prevent iron deficiency. We also offer a deck of cards to educate parents in a funny way about good eating practices.

Infography : the fact sheet on iron-rich foods for infants

Infography : deck of cards about good eating practices
- WHO. The global prevalence of anaemia in 2011. 2015
- OMS. Focusing on anaemia. Consulted on 06/01/2020
- De Pontual, L. “Fer et prédisposition aux infections.” Archives de Pédiatrie 24.5 (2017): 5S14-5S17.
- UNICEF global databases, 2018 Consulté le 06/01/20
- AGILE study 2019 on 389 mothers in Algeria, 312 in Ivory Coast and 290 in Madagascar – Danone internal source.
- Tounian, P., and J-P. Chouraqui. “Fer et nutrition.” Archives de Pédiatrie 24.5 (2017): 5S23-5S31.
- Akindes F et al. L’anémie en Côte d’Ivoire: l’intérêt d’une approche sociale. Chaire UNESCO « Alimentations du monde ». SO what? Policy brief N°1. Septembre 2016. Consulté le 06/01/20.