Why evaluate the quality of life in case of functional gastro-intestinal disorders ?

According to the GASEL study, more than half of the infants have several functional gastro-intestinal disorders (FGIDs*) at the same time, which is a real source of anxiety for the parents1. These disorders make the baby uncomfortable, and the parents suffer. So how to manage them through consultations? Listen to an expert in paediatrics, Dr Marc Bellaïche.


In order to ensure a good management of FGIDs*, it’s important to2-4 :

  • Measure the quality of infant’s life: ask questions about the family environment
  • Reassure the parents and explain to them the disorders concerned
  • Encourage breastfeeding which is the best way to meet the infant’s nutritional needs and prevent infectious diseases
  • Provide a nutritional management (a specific adapted milk if the infant is not breastfed) to improve the various FGIDs*


Dr Marc Bellaïche, a paediatrician specialist in gastroenterology, is giving recommendations about FGIDs’ management:


*FGID : Functional gastro-intestinal disorder

  1. Bellaiche M et al. « A large‐scale study to describe the prevalence, characteristics and management of functional gastrointestinal disorders in African infants. » Acta Paediatrica (2020).
  2. Manifi cat S, Dazord A, Langue J et al., Evaluation de la qualité de vie du nourrisson et du très jeune enfant : validation d’un questionnaire. Etude multicentrique européenne, Arch Pédiatr, 2000 ; 7 : 605-14.
  3. Salvatore and Al. Review shows that parental reassurance and nutritional advice help to optimize the management of functional gastrointestinal disorders in infants; Acta Paediatr. 2018 Sep:1512-1520.
  4. WHO 2009 Infant and young child feeding – model chapter for texbooks, Session 2 : The physiological basis of breastfeeding, p9-17.
  5. Bellaïche M, Oozeer R, Gerardi-Temporel G and al, Multiple functional gastrointestinal disorders are frequent in formul-fed infants and decrease their quality of life, Acta Paediatr, 2018 Mar 31 ; doi : 10.1111/apa.14348.


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